Alex: One word to describe this match: Brutal! I was expecting a hybrid style from Lesnar, combining some MMA style shooting with some of his old WWE repertoire. Instead, we mostly got Brock Lesnar beating the shit out of John Cena with an absolutely savage barrage of strikes. I was legit scared for Cena and expected a stoppage after he was busted open as bad as he was. Amazing match with a finish that seems a bit strange. I'm not going to pass judgement on the finish until I see where they go with this one.
Violet: This match was downright scary, and at times, I was legitimately scared for Cena. I was surprised to see Cena win but not necessarily disappointed by the result. I have no idea what WWE is going to do with Lesnar now. He is a savage. What character in the WWE would be brave enough to face him?
CM Punk (c) defeats Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Championship in a Chicago Street Fight
Alex: The crowd wasn't as hot as anyone expected them to be, especially early on in the match. Once they stopped using the weapons so exclusively and got to wrestling, the crowd was more alive, and the match seemed to kick into overdrive. Not sure where Jericho goes from here after losing at every pay-per-view since his return.
Violet: Initially, I was bored by this match. Jericho and Punk are both talented wrestlers who should and could be doing more than assaulting each other with weapons. Luckily, the two abandoned the weapons near the end of the match and started wrestling, which is where the action became more interesting. I’m not totally surprised by Punk’s victory, but I’m not sure what WWE will do with Jericho for the next few weeks (before he leaves to go on tour) after two important and decisive losses to Punk.
Sheamus (c) defeats Daniel Bryan to retain the World Heavyweight Championship in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match
Alex: Just imagine this match at WrestleMania. We all knew Bryan was capable of a great match like that, but Sheamus deserves a lot of credit of keeping up his end of the deal. My only issue is that the finish was too easy. I didn't like Sheamus calling for the Brogue Kick, hitting it, and scoring the pin. It would've been much more exciting if he hit it out of nowhere or at the end of a really intense back and forth exchange.
Violet: After the shot of her lurking backstage, I was very surprised AJ did not get involved in this match. I was pleased to see Bryan look so dominant throughout the action, and there were times I thought they might actually put the belt back on him. Naturally, I expected Sheamus to win, but I expected it to be much easier for him to do so.
Cody Rhodes defeats Big Show for the Intercontinental Championship in a Tables Match
Alex: A lot of people were really heated over the finish, but I loved it. It gives Show an out and gets the belt back on Cody where it can actually mean something. I've got my fingers crossed that both men move on to new things from here.
Violet: While I’m not usually amused by fluke victories, I’ll take this one for two reasons: Rhodes rightfully reclaimed his Intercontinental Title, and the look on Show’s face after he went through the table was downright funny. Easily the best thing I’ve ever seen Big Show do.
Randy Orton defeats Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
Alex: I can't stand the storyline, and I'm sick of these two fighting every other time I turn on WWE programming, but this was easily one of their best bouts. I think the work through the crowd did a lot to make me forget how slow I usually find their matches. Hopefully this is the end of this feud... finally.
Violet: This match was as boring as I expected, and it gave me the ending that I expected. I can only hope this feud is finally over. I just feel badly for the next unfortunate victim of Kane’s misdirected hate.
Layla defeats Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship
Alex: I feel bad for everyone involved. Once Layla was announced as the mystery opponent, I feel like 50% of the audience stopped paying attention due to the lack of Kharma, and the other 50% was already taking the Diva's match bathroom break. Layla actually looked better in the ring than she did before her injury; but no one cared, they just wanted Kharma.
Violet: Layla looked great in the ring; but, unfortunately, her return fell flat. It will be interesting to see how the Bellas and Layla tie into Kharma’s imminent return.
Brodus Clay defeats Dolph Ziggler
Alex: I hate to say it, but I'm over Brodus Clay at this point. Having Hornswoggle in the mix just makes things worse. Ziggler did his usual amazing job of making his opponent look good. Can we get a title belt of some kind on this guy?
Violet: I am growing tired of Brodus Clay. Ziggler deserves so much better than this match.
Ryback defeats 2 Jobbers in a Handicapped Match
Alex: PPV squash matches are whack. Honestly, I'd rather see the "two is greater than one" guy again than Ryback. I think WWE got a little too squash match happy with Brodus, Tensai, and Ryback all doing the same thing in such a short time. It lost its flavor real fast.
Violet: I am not into Ryback whatsoever.
Santino Marella (c) defeats The Miz to retain the United States Championship
Alex: Where to begin... Santino winning and successfully defending the US Championship has stripped the title of any remnants of integrity the belt might have had left. Miz losing to a comedy face on a pay-per-view pre-show is just awful. The live crowds love Santino, but seeing him do nothing offensively but hit his hip toss, head butt, and cobra to win matches against former WWE champions is just so bad.
Violet: From this match, I get the sense that they have no idea what to do with the US Title or the Miz.
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