The Rock defeated CM Punk to retain the WWE Championship
Alex: A good main event that left the door open for Punk to stick around the title picture. I'm hoping this means we see a triple threat at WrestleMania. I'm not going to be excited for Rock / Cena 2 if that's really what they have in store for us.
Violet: Of course, The Rock won. Punk pinning Rock while the referee was out leaves me hoping that we'll get a triple threat match for the title at WrestleMainia instead of Rock/Cena: Part 2.
Alberto Del Rio defeated The Big Show to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Violet: This was a quick, easy, and expected win for Del Rio. Now that he's done with making Big Show look like a great big fool, I hope we get to see Del Rio get a little more serious.
Jack Swagger defeated Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, Kane, and Daniel Bryan in an Elimination Chamber Match to become the Number 1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship
Alex: While I'm happy to see Swagger getting a big push, I'm not sure that Del Rio vs. Swagger is going to be all that great. I'm not really liking where Swagger's character is going with the white supremacist stuff, and knowing the WWE, they'll really ramp that up if he's involved in a feud with the Mexican Del Rio. It'll be interesting to see how Ziggler plays into this feud between now and WrestleMania.
Violet: I'm not as excited for Swagger vs. Del Rio as I would be for Henry vs. Del Rio. Plus, I'm 100% sure that Swagger and Del Rio's feud is going to be horribly racist. Even though Henry didn't win, the fact that it took three guys to eliminate him keeps him looking like a threat. I also thought that Jericho looked great here. I hope they do more with him this time around than they did during his last run in 2012.
The Shield defeated John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus
Alex: Impressive victory for The Shield. They looked strong, especially since they won clean, and most importantly, they looked like a well oiled machine. Their cohesion and teamwork was what gave them the edge over the team of Ryback, Cena, and Sheamus, and they did a great job of getting that point across. Cena has to leave this storyline to get involved with The Rock, but what about the rest of these guys?
Violet: The Shield won, and they looked so strong while doing it. I just hope this doesn't set them up for a colossal loss at WrestleMania. A lot of the spots in this match left me excited for what will happen when Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns branch out on their own and embark upon singles careers in the WWE.
Antonio Cesaro defeated The Miz to retain the United States Championship
Alex: The worst match of the night, unfortunately. I'm into Cesaro, but I can't take the new annoying babyface Miz seriously. I didn't think there was any chance that Miz would dethrone Cesaro as US Champion and was glad to see that I was right. The finish, however, left a lot to be desired.
Violet:The finish was awful, but the right man won.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston
Alex: This match didn't need to happen. I was interested to see what they would do with Ziggler if they didn't have him cash in, but this isn't what I was hoping for.
Violet: I get that they wanted to fit Ziggler into the show somehow, but I really hate having to watch filler matches during PPVs.
Kaitlyn defeated Tamina Snuka to retain the Diva's Championship
Alex: Wasn't this feud happening like two months ago? What happened in the Diva's Division since then? Absolutely nothing, which is exactly why they had this meaningless match take place.
Violet: Kaitlyn won, I guess. It doesn't really matter. The Divas Division is in worse shape than it was a year ago, and that's saying a lot.
Brodus Clay & Tensai defeated Team Rhodes Scholars

Violet: I hope WWE intends to fix the mess they made out of Rhodes and Sandow sooner rather than later. They deserve better than this.
@TheAlexArcher | @VioletButtle | @FTLOW_official