w/ Alex Archer & Violet Buttle
The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk for the WWE Championship (If The Rock loses by count-out or DQ, CM Punk wins the WWE Championship)

Alex: Though the DQ / count out stipulation is pretty intriguing, I think The Rock comes away from this one as WWE Champion. If he's going to be involved with WrestleMania again this year, presumably with John Cena, what better way than to up the ante from last year and have him go into it with the title?
Violet:I can't think of any possible scenario in which CM Punk walks away from this match as the winner.
John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus vs. The Shield in a Six Man Tag Team Match

Alex: They've done a great job the last few weeks at making this look like more of an even match up than it is on paper. You'd think that with Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus on the same team, it would be hard to bet against them, but WWE has been putting a lot of work into The Shield's act. I think Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins get the win. No idea where it goes from there, though.
Violet:I think that we'll see Ryback, Cena, and Sheamus win here. Because, really, when don't they win? However, a loss for The Shield would really weaken the faction, so I hope that WWE has something in mind other than a clean win for the main eventers.
Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan in an Elimination Chamber Match to determine the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship

Alex: I can really only see Jericho or Mark Henry winning the Elimination Chamber event. I think that the champion going into WrestleMania will either be Dolph Ziggler or Alberto Del Rio. If Ziggler cashes in and wins tonight, then Jericho wins the Chamber. If Del Rio beats Show and Ziggler doesn't cash in or is unsuccessful, Mark Henry goes on to face Del Rio at WrestleMania.
Violet: Realistically, the two guys I can see winning this match are Henry and Jericho. It's highly unlikely that Big Show wins the title tonight, so I expect that either Del Rio will remain Champion until WrestleMania or Ziggler cashes in before then. With their history, Jericho and Ziggler could produce a fun and meaningful WrestleMaina feud. On the other hand, Del Rio and Henry could have an entertaining feud as well. And, with his current feud with Big Show, Del Rio has proven that he can have interesting matches with bigger guys.
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship

Alex: This match kind of goes hand in hand with my prediction for the Elimination Chamber Match. I'll pull one out of left field and say that Big Show defeats Del Rio, Ziggler cashes in and defeats Big Show, and we see a Ziggler vs. Show vs. Jericho triple threat at WrestleMania.
Violet: This feud has made Big Show look more like a bumbling fool than an intimidating giant. Del Rio wins and removes Big Show from the main event picture for awhile.
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz for the United States Championship

Alex: Cesaro has looked dominant going into this match which is sometimes an indicator that the other guy is going to win at the pay-per-view. I don't think that's the case here, though. Cesaro is getting built up for something big, it seems, and a loss to The Miz doesn't seem like it. Unless they plan on moving him up the ranks right after this feud, Cesaro retains.
Violet: Cesaro has been looking too strong to take a loss to The Miz right now. Since there isn't really a spot available for Cesaro in the main event picture quite yet, I see him holding the US Title for a bit longer.
Kaitlyn (c) vs. Tamina Snuka for the Diva's Championship

Alex: Wasn't this feud going on like two months ago? Why is it all of a sudden back? It doesn't make sense to take the title off Kaitlyn right now. Not that the Diva's Division doesn't defy logic at every turn...
Violet:A pointless match for the title of a pointless division. Does it really matter who wins? I miss Eve.
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Pre-Show)

Alex: I wonder if they're only putting Rhodes and Sandow back together for tonight. If they are, Tensai and Clay probably win. If they're back as a tag team for another run, then Rhodes Scholars takes the win.
Violet: If Rhodes and Sandow win then their split looks stupid, so I predict a win for Clay and Tensai.
@TheAlexArcher |
@VioletButtle | @FTLOW_official