Alex: This match was a prime example of the Hell in a Cell gimmick being overused. It wasn't a blow-off match, and as a fan, I didn't get the sense that this was the big match that they wanted it to seem like. The cheap finish was expected (in some form or another), and besides from making the whole Ryback/Punk/Cena story feel like a waste, it also cheapens the Cell gimmick.
Violet: As someone who isn't too interested in Ryback, I was impressed by his performance in this match. It was good to see him keep up with Punk and take some offense. At times, it was almost believable that Punk had a chance at a clean win.
Big Show defeated Sheamus to become the new World Heavyweight Champion
Alex: I was surprised to find myself interested in this match down the stretch. Rather than the failed Brogue Kick and WMD attempts that I predicted, they actually nailed the finishers back and forth. It was exciting and really made each guy look good. I was also surprised that Big Show won and that we didn't see or hear from Dolph Ziggler. I'm not thrilled about a Big Show reign, but I'm glad to see the belt off Sheamus.
Violet: While I'm glad that Sheamus's title reign has finally come to an end, I am disappointed that Big Show's has begun. I would have much preferred Ziggler to walk away with the title, but as soon as it was clear Big Show would remain standing at the end of his title match, I knew that the announcers wouldn't even mention Ziggler.
Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz to retain the Intercontinental Championship
Alex: Another good match from Kofi and Miz. I'm happy to see Kofi retain and hopefully continue to get traction in singles competition, and I hope that the now angry version of The Miz can move back towards the main event picture.
Violet: I wish that Miz was given a more substantial title reign, but this feud with Kingtson has seemingly brought out a more aggressive and serious side of his character that is good to see. And hopefully, with a few big wins over Miz, Kingston is finally receiving the singles push that he's long deserved.
Eve Torres defeated Kaitlyn and Layla in a Triple Threat Match to retain the Diva's Championship
Alex: It was nice to see them get a decent amount of time and even nicer to see them put on a fairly decent match. Eve's character has been one of the most fun parts of Booker T's tenure as Smackdown GM, and using that to boost the Diva's division and the Diva's Championship is a great idea.
Violet: Out of the three women involved, Eve is the superior wrestler and actress. The right woman won.
Team Rhodes Scholars defeated Team Hell No by DQ
Alex: I don't agree with the idea of having the title match that follows a number one contenders tournament end in a DQ, but it does give me hope for Team Rhodes Scholars picking up the titles in the near future.
Violet: While it's disappointing to see a disqualification finish in a title match, I'm hoping that it means that these two teams continue feuding. They told an interesting story in the ring together, and their work on the mic was equally impressive.
Antonio Cesaro defeated Justin Gabriel to retain the US Championship
Alex: This was another match that I was happy to see get a good amount of time. The crowd was relatively dead for what was an enjoyable and well wrestled match, but that's to be expected when guys aren't just hitting signature spots in 4 minute matches. I hope they utilize Justin Gabriel for something serious at some point. He's got potential.
Violet: I like Gabriel and Cesaro, and I wish WWE would do more with them. Judging by the crowd's reaction to what I thought was an entertaining match, they aren't very interested in either guy.
Randy Orton defeated Alberto Del Rio
Alex: This was a decent match for what it was, but I'm absolutely sick of seeing Alberto Del Rio face either Randy Orton or Sheamus on every pay-per-view. No matter what the outcome, I'm not interested.
Violet: Did anyone expect Del Rio to win? I certainly didn't.
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