Friday, October 19, 2012

Alternate Booking: What if King Mo was revealed instead of Devon?

By Alex Archer

As Hulk Hogan easily laid waste to each member of Aces & Eights as he made his way to the ring at TNA’s Bound For Glory pay-per-view on Sunday night, I was thrilled that we were finally going to get a reveal to further the invasion storyline.  The first glimpse we got of the unmasked man was a shot from behind, where only the back of his bald, black head was visible.  My first thought: King Mo!
Clearly it's Devon, but my first thought was "King Mo!"

Before I continue on, I want to make it clear that I’m not saying this storyline would play out better than what they plan on doing with Devon.  This whole storyline just popped into my head in the mere seconds that passed between seeing the back of the revealed man’s head, and then seeing that it was, in fact, Devon Dudley.

So King Mo is revealed.  He acts in much the same way that Devon did: he smiles, laughs, and glares at a stunned trio of Hogan, Sting, and Bully Ray.  Hogan and Sting can’t believe that they were double-crossed by a man they thought was coming into the company to be an asset, not a detriment.

"King Mo" Muhammed Lawal
By the time Impact rolls around on Thursday, TNA could’ve had their stars buzzing on Twitter, asking why this newcomer decided to join Aces & Eights when he had a free ticket to the top, as Dixie Carter and Hogan seemed to be poised to give him the world.  Rumors would also start to resurface in regards to James Storm being in cahoots with the gang, as he and King Mo stood together after he defeated Bobby Roode earlier in the night at Bound For Glory.

King Mo could have come out the same way that Devon did on Impact on Thursday night.  In his promo, he would put over the fact that he’s been viewed as nothing more than a sideshow since signing with TNA.  He could say his special enforcer role was a joke.  “I’m not here to help maintain the rules, I’m here to break them!”.  He could go on a tirade that Hogan and Dixie treated him well, but never like the killer that he is.  The only ones that saw him for what he really was, a straight up fighter, were the brothers in Aces & Eights.

Just some food for fantasy booking thought!

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@TheAlexArcher | #FTLOW